Best WordPress Affiliate plugins

ultimateaffiliate one of Best Wordpress Affiliate plugins
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Affiliate marketing is an effective digital marketing strategy that has proven its importance time and time again. It has evolved into a vital source of online income for a vast number of bloggers and website owners. One platform that has made the journey smoother is WordPress. With its versatile plugins, WordPress has underscored its position as the most popular website-building platform in the world.One of the cornerstone benefits of a WordPress website is its easy integration with various affiliate marketing tools. These can drastically simplify your workload, improve your efficiency and skyrocket your affiliate revenues. Through these plugins, you can manage, cloak, track affiliate links, and do much more, all within your WordPress dashboard.In this article, we will be discussing some of best WordPress affiliate plugins available currently and touch upon their key features and benefits.

Affiliates Manager

Affiliates Manager is a powerful WordPress plugin that integrates effortlessly with your sales platform to track any affiliates who are linked with your website. It ensures that affiliate marketers who promote your products or services are paid accurately for their effort.

wpaffiliatemanager on of the Best WordPress Affiliate plugins
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Features of Affiliates Manager

  • Easy integration with popular ecommerce platforms like WooCommerce, JigoShop, WP eCommerce, and others.
  • Sophisticated tracking system, allowing you to monitor the views, clicks, and conversions your affiliates generate.
  • Effortless registration process for your affiliates with custom forms.
  • Unlimited affiliates management so you can expand your marketing efforts as much as you like.

Benefits of Affiliates Manager

  • Comprehensive affiliate performance reports that enable you to fine-tune your marketing strategies.
  • Seamless PayPal integration for easy and secure payment processing.
  • Product-level commissioning option that allows you to set different commission levels for individual products.
  • Mass payment option to simplify the payment process.

Overall, Affiliates Manager offers a comprehensive way to manage, track, and pay your affiliates. It’s user friendly and configurable, allowing business owners, both small and large, to leverage the power of affiliate marketing. Its feature-rich and flexible nature definitely makes it one of the best WordPress affiliate plugins available today.

Ultimate Affiliate Pro

Ultimate Affiliate Pro helps you design and implement an effective affiliate marketing strategy on your WordPress website. This premium WordPress plugin provides a suite of advanced features to help you facilitate, manage, and monitor your affiliate program, all in one place.

Ultimate Affiliate Pro Best WordPress Affiliate plugins
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Key Features of Ultimate Affiliate Pro

  • Exclusive bonuses for top-performing affiliates, which boosts motivation and engagement.
  • A multi-level marketing setup that allows affiliates to recruit new members, expanding your affiliate network.
  • Customizable affiliate banners and links that perfectly fit your company’s brand and style.
  • A dashboard, facilitating affiliates’ access to their performance statistics, referral links, commission details, etc.

Benefits of Using Ultimate Affiliate Pro

  • Integration with popular eCommerce and membership plugins, making it adaptable for many businesses.
  • Lifetime or recurring referrals that give you flexible commission structure options.
  • Advanced payout options, including PayPal, Stripe, and Bank Transfer.
  • Unlimited affiliates, ensuring you have no restrictions on expanding your network.

With such incredible features and benefits, Ultimate Affiliate Pro is a powerful tool for any business. Whether you are starting a new website or looking to boost your online earnings, this WordPress affiliate plugin is an exceptional choice.


ThirstyAffiliates is another popular WordPress affiliate plugin that holds a reputation for making affiliate marketing easier. This plugin simplifies the tricky aspects of managing and inserting affiliate links while providing a host of other practical tools and features.

ThirstyAffiliates is another popular WordPress affiliate plugin
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Features of ThirstyAffiliates

  • Link cloaking, which helps convert cumbersome URLs into simple and aesthetically pleasing ones.
  • Centralized link management system, making it easier for you to organize, access and edit all your affiliate links from one location.
  • Auto-linking capability, where you can automatically add affiliate links to certain keywords within your content.
  • In-built reports interface to track link performance.

Benefits of ThirstyAffiliates

  • Easy integration with Google Analytics, providing additional insights into user behavior and link performance.
  • Advanced link picking tool, which saves time and effort while inserting links into your posts.
  • Geolocation features that show different affiliate links depending on the visitor’s location.
  • Proactive link health checker, which ensures your links are always active and functioning properly.

ThirstyAffiliates stands out due to its user-friendly interface, timesaving features, and robust functionalities. For beginners and experienced affiliate marketers alike, ThirstyAffiliates is a great plugin to enhance your affiliate marketing capabilities and boost your income.


AffiliateWP is a full-featured, easy-to-use WordPress plugin that allows you to establish a high-quality affiliate program right on your website. Highly customizable and integrated with a broad range of popular WordPress plugins, AffiliateWP brings your affiliate marketing strategy to the next level.

affiliatewp another of Best WordPress Affiliate plugins
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Features of AffiliateWP

  • Accuracy in tracking affiliates’ clicks, impressions, and conversions.
  • Integration with a wide range of popular eCommerce and membership platforms.
  • Complete affiliate management, including the ability to view top-earning affiliates, graph of referrals over time, and more.
  • Email notifications to keep affiliates informed about new referrals and successful affiliate registrations.

Benefits of AffiliateWP

  • Unlimited creatives for your affiliates to enable effective promotion of your products and services.
  • Payout service integration, which allows you to easily pay your affiliates directly from your site.
  • Detailed reporting that provides helpful insights into your program’s performance.
  • Customizable affiliate area where affiliates can monitor their performance, retrieve their referral URL, find creatives, and more.

Considering its range of functionalities and integrative capabilities, it’s clear that AffiliateWP is a tried and true solution for managing an affiliate marketing program. This WordPress plugin is suitable for those seeking a professional, effective, and reliable system to facilitate their affiliate marketing efforts.

Post Affiliate Pro

Post Affiliate Pro is a powerful affiliate tracking software that integrates seamlessly with your WordPress site. Its wide variety of features allow for easy management and tracking of your affiliate marketing program, making it a popular choice among website owners.

postaffiliatepro is a Best WordPress Affiliate plugins
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Features of Post Affiliate Pro

  • Accurate tracking using multiple methods including flash cookies, HTML5 cookies, and first and last click attribution.
  • Personalized commission structures, so you can choose different commission types for different affiliates.
  • Customizable interface, allowing you to tailor the look and feel of your affiliate program.
  • Performance rewards, offering bonuses to affiliates based on their performance.

Benefits of Post Affiliate Pro

  • Fraud protection mechanisms that ensure the credibility of the affiliates in your program.
  • Real-time reporting that keeps you informed about the progress and performance of your affiliate marketing program.
  • Advanced affiliate features like the possibility for affiliates to promote specific URLs or products.
  • Multi-language support, making it more accessible to a global user base.

Post Affiliate Pro’s extensive offerings provide an all-encompassing solution for businesses looking to implement an affiliate program. Its plethora of features combined with its user-friendly interface make it a strong contender among the best WordPress affiliate plugins in the market.


EasyAzon is a plugin specifically designed for Amazon affiliates. This plugin eases the process of adding Amazon affiliate links to your WordPress site and maximizes your potential earnings by offering advanced link customization and localization.

Features of EasyAzon

  • Ability to quickly create Amazon affiliate text, image, and high conversion product information blocks.
  • Localize links for global audiences, ensuring worldwide visitors are sent to their country-specific Amazon store.
  • Advanced link customization, allowing you to decide how Amazon affiliate links are displayed and function.
  • Control over where Amazon links open – same window or new window.

Benefits of EasyAzon

  • Integration with Amazon’s product advertising API, ensuring up-to-date information on all Amazon products.
  • Convenience of generating affiliate links right from the WordPress post editor.
  • Potential to earn more by offering “Add to Cart” option, resulting in a longer 90-day cookie.
  • Time saving capabilities, as EasyAzon handles link localization and customization for you.

EasyAzon stands out as a powerful tool for anyone involved in the Amazon affiliate program. From easy link generation to boosted affiliate earnings, it makes the most out of Amazon’s affiliate marketing potentials.

Affiliate Royale

Affiliate Royale –  is a fantastic WordPress plugin for all your affiliate program needs. This powerful affiliate management tool is perfect for business owners who want to set up an affiliate program and get it running smoothly in a short span of time.

Features of Affiliate Royale

  • Quick set-up, enabling you to launch your affiliate program and start tracking sales, traffic, and payments.
  • Affiliate dashboard for your affiliates, providing all essential stats and information like sales, traffic, payments and link details.
  • Customizable banners and links that affiliates can use to promote your products.
  • Options to monitor and manage your affiliates with ease.

Benefits of Affiliate Royale

  • Seamless integration with popular WordPress eCommerce and membership plugins.
  • Easy payment management with PayPal and integration.
  • Capability to monitor affiliate clicks, sales, and payments in real time.
  • Helps increase traffic, sales and makes your brand more visible.

Affiliate Royale, with its straightforward setup and advanced features, makes starting and managing an affiliate program a breeze. If you’re looking for a reliable WordPress affiliate plugin that can streamline your affiliate operations, Affiliate Royale should definitely be on your list.

Amazon Auto Links is a specialized WordPress affiliate plugin for Amazon associates. This plugin helps you streamline your Amazon affiliate marketing process by automatically displaying Amazon products on your site based on your set criteria.

  • Automatic insertion of Amazon product links into your posts.
  • Handy control over the categories of products you want displayed on your website.
  • Supports multiple Amazon associates IDs for all locales.
  • Smart localization feature that shows relevant products based on the viewer’s location.
  • Eliminates the need to manually keep track of product updates on Amazon.
  • Opportunity to customize displays, giving you control over how product links look on your site.
  • Advanced scheduling feature that optimizes your affiliate link placement strategy.
  • Highly time-efficient as it reduces the effort needed to manage Amazon affiliate links.

Amazon Auto Links is a great tool for automating and simplifying Amazon affiliate marketing. For those in the Amazon Associates program looking to save time and improve website performance, this plugin is a perfect match.

YITH WooCommerce Affiliates

YITH WooCommerce Affiliates is a WordPress plugin designed specifically for WooCommerce stores. It allows you to set up an affiliate marketing program on your website, tracking referrals and conversions, and managing payouts.

Features of YITH WooCommerce Affiliates

  • Referral tracking system that ties all referrals to the respective affiliate.
  • Automatic commission calculation and payment reporting.
  • Option to pay affiliates on a global, per-affiliate, or per-product basis.
  • Option to pay commissions after a specific threshold or time period is reached.

Benefits of YITH WooCommerce Affiliates

  • Easy and straightforward set-up, requiring no technical expertise.
  • Integrated with all WooCommerce versions and updated regularly.
  • Ability to track coupon referrals, boosting your potential for increased affiliate marketing.
  • Detailed reports on click tracking and activity logs.

With YITH WooCommerce Affiliates, it’s easy to implement, manage and monitor an affiliate marketing program in a WooCommerce environment. All these features and benefits make it an ideal choice for those running WordPress sites with WooCommerce.

Affiliates by itthinx

Affiliates by itthinx is a powerful affiliate marketing tool that helps you set up and manage an affiliate marketing program on your WordPress site. The plugin provides an array of features that streamline your affiliate marketing efforts.

Features of Affiliates by itthinx

  • Unlimited affiliates, allowing you to expand your marketing team as much as you need.
  • Accurate tracking of referrals, visits, and affiliate link clicks.
  • Shortcodes to display affiliate information on the front end.
  • Easy API, offering options to add your own features and functions.

Benefits of Affiliates by itthinx

  • Full integration with eCommerce platforms (WooCommerce, Jigoshop, and others).
  • Powerful management tools to add, edit, and manage affiliates.
  • Real-time reporting that provides insights into your affiliate program.
  • Tiered affiliate rates for rewarding your top-performing affiliates.

Rich in features and easy to use, Affiliates by itthinx offers an effective solution for anyone wishing to set up an affiliate marketing program. With it, you can easily track and manage your affiliates, maximizing the potential of your team and driving success for your business.

ReferralCandy for WooCommerce

ReferralCandy for WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that lets you reward customers for referring their friends to your WooCommerce store. This referral program plugin can boost your sales and increase customer loyalty.

referralcandy Best WordPress Affiliate plugins
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Features of ReferralCandy for WooCommerce

  • Automated reward delivery, reducing administrative tasks.
  • Highly customizable referral program, allowing you to set the rules and rewards.
  • Integration with other marketing apps for increased reach.
  • Easy sharing options for customers, increasing the reach of your program.

Benefits of ReferralCandy for WooCommerce

  • Robust analytics dashboard helps you track the performance of your referral program.
  • Customized emails to engage and encourage your customers to refer more people.
  • Flexibility in choosing referral rewards, offering cash, discounts, or custom gifts.
  • Improves customer retention rate and cultivates brand ambassadors.

By automating the entire referral marketing process, ReferralCandy for WooCommerce eases the workload on your marketing team and makes the process convenient for your customers. If you run a WooCommerce store and are seeking an efficient referral marketing channel, this plugin is an excellent choice.


Efficient affiliate marketing can be a game-changer for your online business. As we have seen, WordPress offers an array of affiliate plugins, each with unique features and benefits. You have plugins like Affiliate Royale, designed with ease of use in mind, or powerful tools like Ultimate Affiliate Pro that come packed with advanced features. Plugins like Amazon Auto Links is tailor-made for Amazon Associates, whereas others like ReferralCandy for WooCommerce work best for WooCommerce stores.

The best WordPress affiliate plugin for your site will ultimately depend on your specific needs and goals. Consider your requirements, the platforms your store integrates with, and what features you need from an affiliate plugin. Assess each plugin’s customer support, reviews, and updates to ensure it’s reliable and maintained. By making a well-informed decision, you can optimize your affiliate marketing strategies and boost your online income.

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